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You may apply for more than one position.

Becoming a Café Nyan Staff


The role of Café Nyan's staff is to manage the the café upon the owner's absence as well as maintaining the room's ambience and aesthetic through initiating light RPs. Staff are entrusted with the role of room moderator and are entrusted with the following responsibilities:

Manage cafe nyan upon the absence of owner

Interview and determine future staff upon the absence of owner

Promote Cafe Nyan events and activities upon owner absence

Contribute to cafe ambience through roleplaying with guests

(BONUS: Staff may also choose to work in the café area of another one of Sinominé's room, Latibule.)


Must be online in IMVU for at least 5 days a week for 1 hour.

Must have been in IMVU for over a year.

Must have the right attitude to be entrusted mod privileges to

Must NOT be the type of person to abuse mod privileges

Must be able to take polite, constructive criticisms



Further requirements differ for each positions available for hire in Café Nyan and will be explained below.




You will not earn credits or be gifted while working for Café Nyan.

Servers, Maids & Butlers


Their role is to serve guests through a light RP narration and to ensure

that everything in the room is well. Their stations are the kitchen or

around the dining area.


Servers may choose a light, script style RP. Maids and butlers tend to

choose a heavier, paragraph RP.



Must have been in IMVU for at least a year.

Requires light RP skills.

Must be polite and genuine.


Adoption Manager


Their role is to help manage adoption registrations. This means they must organise those willing to register themselves for adoption, those willing to adopt, and those already adopted. They must have a knowledge of Café Nyan’s adoption process. Their station is at a desk located upstairs of the café.



Must have been in IMVU for at least a year.

Must be enthusiastic to learn new things..such as Café Nyan's adoption process.

Must be polite and genuine.




Social Media Manager



Their role is to help manage social media pages dedicated to Café Nyan. This includes posting photos, updating events and café advertising through social media. Their station could be everywhere.




Must know and use social media platforms regularly.

Must be polite and genuine.


Event Manager



Their role is to help organise and host fun events & activities for Café Nyan and make them happen. They may also help advertise them by designing posters. Their station could be everywhere. This is perfect for those who love to make a bit of fun in IMVU.



Must have been in IMVU for at least a year. Otherwise, please be enthusiastic to learn a few things.

Must be creative.

Must be polite and genuine.


If considering to apply in the café, please read the following materials:


Hiring Conditions

30-Day Trial


Rules & Regulations

Chat Room Etiquette

DOs and DON'Ts:

Applying in the Café

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